Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

Mother's Day was a blast in that Emma's great grandparents came to town. Gran Rena was so excited to see her! We had a wonderful, classy evening listening to jazz music, eating fajitas, drinking wine and finally, John's violin playing. It was like having our own concert. Emma has so happy that she picked up a new skill that evening: Rolling Over! That's right Emma rolled right over to an audience that evening. It happened a few times, but each time she did it, Daddy was not quick enough to get the camera ready so you will just have to believe us. Click on the pictures to see some more.


  1. I love the picture of my mother grinning down at Emma and Emma's big eyes looking back at her. One day that will be the only proof of that moment together and I love that you have that photo.

  2. and gran rena is a cutie patootie!
