Sunday, January 31, 2010

Happy Birthday Daddy

What a fun day. What a crazy weekend actually.

All started out on Saturday morning in San Jose, Ca, where daddy had been the last week for another round of project stuff. The alarm was set to sound at 3:30am so that he could get up and catch his 6:20 flight through Phoenix to Austin and be home by 2pm.

Problem is since daddy used an alarm setting on his phone that is normally reserved for weekdays that 3:30 alarm didn't go off and now it was 5am and he was in a hurry. Had to find a gas station that was open, fill the car up, jump on the unusually slow shuttle from the rental car place to the airport, stand in the slowest security line and flash his ticket at the desk to run onto the rainy tarmac and catch the plane. Come to think of it the whole scene was one explosion away from a bad action flick.

First flight down, then the Phoenix airport. A literal mile hike across 6 moving sidewalks and a angry post to facebook about the suckiness of Phoenix airport later and daddy was on the next leg of the flight.

Too bad this flight was on the equivalent of a flying school bus.
Awful. Don't fly US Airways.

Finally Home!
Daddy catches the poor family in the middle of a nap because they are sick :(
BUT mommy has this cake ready to go and the best birthday photo ever is taken
(see above).

That night the baby sitter comes over and mommy and daddy head down town to the Melting Pot where there was much feasting and rejoicing of the momentous occasion. Home again and lights OUT! Deep sleep wake up in strange place! OH wait daddy is home yay!

Today was Sunday and the whole family wakes up and eats muffins! Kevin comes over to say hi and an hour later he is gone and everyone is on the road to Waco, TX to go eat with the Byrd's from the north at the Elite Circle Grill. MMMMM tasty.

Rena and John are there and Aunt Betty and Grandaddy Jeff and BeBe and Aunty Morgan are there to say happy birthday..........and to replace daddy's wardrobe.......

Seriously. Daddy got alot of clothes.

That he needed. 'Cause shopping is a life skill that he doesn't have.
But who would when you got a posse like his loading him up like they did?

Anyway the day was incredible and more pictures are coming!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Party Time

Yesterday Emma attended her first birthday party! No not her birthday party, will get to that soon enough. This was the birthday party for one of her little friends, Olivia Fenner!

She got to do several things like ride in the wagon around the backyard, slide down the slide, and jump in the swing for the funnest ride ever!

Check out the action shots below:

Wagon Ride


Plus we got video of Emma swinging

Watch in HD video glory here

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

This is how a baby is supposed to eat.

Listen up you babies.
I am going to show you the proper way of eating what Mommy gives you

Start by inspecting every single piece of food. You know for quality
and stuff....

Remember to turn each piece over in your hand to make sure that nothing is hidden underneath

If you do that occasionally you will find surprises. Which are fun!

Remember that when you do actually end up eating to to appear smirky

Remember to finish or your tongue will fall out! AHHHH

There you have it! The perfect eating guide. Demonstrated by Emma