Friday, March 20, 2009

Talk to the Hand

One of the things that has been so nice about having family in the state has been the level of help that we have had with Emma this week. Pictured here is the champion of that help, Emma's Mom's Mom, the self-proclaimed GeGe herself (does that sound right?), Aurlie Strealy. In this, one of her more classic poses, we see her gratitude towards Emma's father as he attempts to immortalize her selflessness and caring through the magic of photography.

All kidding aside, Aurlie has been a huge help this week. And all the groceries are excellent. The only thing I am worried about is her leaving with Emma whenever she does go home.........

1 comment:

  1. funny, I have pictures that look just like that! Hey Josh, could I get your mailing address? I have a little something to send Sly Emma. You can send it to me on FBook if you want. Thanks! ---Ginny
